Saturday, August 3, 2013

I thought it was annoying...

I have to bathe a couple of times a day. Not full on showers mind you, but I do have to keep the inside of this cage clean. Hygiene is important. With all of the water though, yesterday the piece of Gaff tape that I had holding the lock down fell off. Laziness has caused me not to put it back on. I haven't really been out in public, so the little clicking noise that the lock makes isn't a real threat of embarrassment.

At first I couldn't really stand the clicking everywhere I went. CLICK CLICK CLICK! All through the house. It's been a little over 36 hours now though, and I've gotten used to it. More than used to it, I've actually started to enjoy it! The small rattling of the cage gives me a little bump every time it connects, and that feels good as I move around. Any sensation feels good! But it's also the sound.

Like a cats small bell, this lock is a symbol of ownership, and of trust. I know that my lover will treat me well, and so this lock is a pleasant reminder if that love. When I hear it click click clicking away when I walk around, I remember with every step why I'm doing this. At first it was a little annoying, but now I catch myself swinging my hips around some just to make it jingle.

Some people might think I'm crazy, and maybe I am, but I enjoy it.

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